Lauren Kilpatrick

Spring 2020 (MS)


Degree: Master of Science

Thesis Title: Establishing Naturalized Areas in Managed Turf Grass Systems in North Carolina to Evaluate Their Potential to Offset the Effects of Urbanization and Support Biodiverse Pollinator Communities

How are you planning to use your degree?

I have accepted a position with Syngenta Flowers as an Assistant Technical Scientist where I will be able to continue my love for plant science by running trials on floral crops.

List clubs and activities while in school.

  • Horticulture Science Graduate Student Association
  • Pi Alpha Xi – Iota Chapter

Whom do you want to thank?

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get to where I am today. First my parents, Scott and Susan, as well as my sisters, Shelby and Kaitlyn, for always encouraging me to do my best and helping me in any capacity they could. To my friends, here in NC and also now around the country, I am thankful to have you all in my life and for your support throughout the years. I would also like to thank Dr. King and Dr. Griffin for encouraging me to pursue a higher degree and for making my time at Texas A&M exceptional.

I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Carley, for allowing me the opportunity to come to NC State and for guiding me these past few years. My outstanding committee members: Dr. Billeisen, Dr. Wentworth, and Dr. Ruffty. I would also like to thank our lab technicians, Phil Hatfield, and Brian Royals. Lastly, thank you to my new family in the Horticulture Department at NC State. Words cannot describe how much of an impact you have had on my life and how meaningful you have made my time here. I am beyond grateful to have shared this experience with each of you!

What is the best thing about studying horticulture at NC State?

All of the amazing people and resources available!


Where are you currently working? Syngenta Flowers

Advisor Comments (Danesha Seth Carley):
As soon as I met Lauren, I knew she would be a great person to work with, and in fact, she was a true joy to work with. Her personality, her intellect, and her work ethic truly caused her to shine not only in my program, but in our Department as well. Despite a number of setbacks with her research, she never quit, and she tackled even the biggest challenges with a smile. Lauren is someone who will excel in anything she takes on. My advice for Lauren: Continue to be brave and never back down. You are great!


Lis Meyer (Hort Teaching Faculty)
Congrats Lauren!!! Glad I got to see you before you left on your next adventure! Thanks for all your hard work with PAX, and it was a pleasure getting to know you during your time here.

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Lauren Kilpatrick