Lauren Deans

  • Degree: Master of Horticultural Science (Spring 2021)
  • Project/Dissertation Title: In Vitro Induction and Characterization of Polyploid Hydrangea macrophylla and serrata
  • Advisor: Dr. Tom Ranney

What was your degree(s) or focus?

MHS focusing on breeding woody ornamental plants
MHS project title: In Vitro Induction and Characterization of Polyploid Hydrangea macrophylla and H. serrata

How are you planning to use your degree?

I am still figuring out my specific next adventure (it’s been a weird year!), I want to breed nursery crops that show the relevance of horticulture in times of rapid societal and environmental change.

Whom do you want to thank?

I want to express my undying gratitude to the following:

– Tom Ranney, major advisor extraordinaire and steadfast captain
– Darren Touchell, whose counsel was indispensable both in the lab and outside of it
– The sorcerers and alchemists of the Mountain Crop Improvement lab, especially the incomparable Irene Palmer
– Brian Jackson and Susana Milla-Lewis, who rounded out my dream team committee
– My dearest lab brothers, Will Hembree and Nate Maren
– the NCSU Hort Department, my warm and dependable work-school family, particularly Helen Kraus and Lis Meyer
– My husband and family, who never doubted me, even when I think maybe they should have. I guess they were right after all.

Without the guidance, support, and friendship I received, I would never have made it this far. Thank you.

Clubs and Activities

Pi Alpha Xi – Iota Chapter, VP of Woody Plants fall 2018 and spring 2019